Private Tutors in Milton Keynes and surrounding areas
We deliver one-to-one tutoring for every student. An in-home or online learning experience tailored for all types of learners, with customised goal setting, and a supported approach for goal optimisation
Tutoring in Milton Keynes For Students Of All Abilities
Math, English and Science are our most popular subjects, but we have many more. Please take a look! At Tutorlage we believe nothing is more valuable than a good education, and we are dedicated to getting the most out of yours. The expertise of a knowledgeable and focused Personal Tutor is invaluable if you or your child are looking to maximise your educational experience.
Tutorlage proudly offers in-home and online tutoring services in the following areas:
and their surrounding towns and villages
To get started, request a complimentary consultation by calling 01908 984 924
Personalised Tuition in Milton Keynes
Through carefully matched tutors and a customised approach tailored to each child, Tutorlage assists alongside parents to fill in the learning gaps so students can confidently achieve their personal best. In our initial free consultation your goals, needs and objectives are assessed. We use that information in order to match you with the right tutor based on your profile. The tutor gets to work by identifying all the missing gaps and working through any weaknesses. You are supported all the way in your journey towards goal achievement!
At Tutorlage, we understand that every student is unique, with their own set of goals, strengths, and challenges. That's why our tutors go beyond just teaching from a textbook - we provide personalised, student-centred education that caters to each learner's specific needs and aspirations.
Our tutoring process is tried and tested, and it works like this:
• Assess: We start with a free consultation, where we get to know the student and their goals. During this time, we assess their requirements and recommend a tutoring program that's customised to their academic objectives.
• Match: After learning about the student and their targets, we match them with a local tutor who is the best fit for them. We consider factors like subject matter, personality, interests, and experience to make sure that the student and tutor are a good match.
• Tutor: Our tutors work closely with students to design a curriculum that meets their needs and helps them achieve their academic goals. We help students to fill any gaps in their knowledge, keep up with their classwork, and tackle topics that they find challenging.
• Support: We're committed to supporting our students every step of the way. We check in with them and their families regularly, and provide session reports to track their progress.
We're proud to have successfully tutored hundreds of students, and 95% of our clients say they would recommend us to others! These high customer satisfaction levels are a direct result of our dedication to maximising each student's confidence, competence, and learning ability.
Tutoring For All Age Groups and Educational Backgrounds
Tutorlage provides tutoring services in Milton Keynes to students of all ages, levels and subjects. We come to your home or online, at a convenient time for you to help you or your child to fill in the gaps in his or her knowledge base.
Our Students
Some Of Our Subjects
English | Math | Biology | Physics | Chemistry | Social Sciences |
Business Studies | Humanities | History | Geography | Science | Political Science |
French | Spanish | ESOL | Functional Skills | Eleven Plus | German |
How We Address Every Student's Needs
Tutorlage is a locally owned and operated tuition company that benefits from being part of an educational network of tutors, teachers, and experts in their fields. Our in-home and online one-to-one tutoring has helped more than hundreds of students achieve their goals.
To ensure it works for your student too, we:
- Listen carefully. We’ll start with a free consultation to understand where you are and where you want to be, then recommend a plan to help.
Make the right match.
Does your child like video games? Hate exams? Respond best to art? Your child will be personally matched to a tutor who will customise an approach to your student’s interests. - Communicate as we go. After each session, we’ll share how your student did, what we will continue working on, and discuss any recommended changes to achieve your family’s goals.
Unlike many tuition providers, Tutorlage treats every student like a unique individual. We know that every child, teenager, and adult has different learning styles, and that all thinking caps can be tailored. That is why the tutors we work with sit down with you and your child to develop a programme that addresses their specific needs, learning abilities and interests.
Exam Preparation
Exams can be a stressful time for students and their families.
At Tutorlage, we understand the challenges that students face during the exam period, and offer a range of support services to help them prepare effectively. Whether your child is preparing for GCSEs, 11 Plus, A-Levels, or Entrance Exams, we can provide tailored tutoring to suit their needs.
No matter if the student is sitting the exams for the first time, or repeating them to obtain a better score, we will carefully match each student with a tutor who is best suited to their requirements, while our flexible schedules mean that sessions can be arranged to fit around busy lifestyles.
We will create a supportive environment that helps your child to manage stress, reduce anxiety, and have the best possible chance to perform well in exams!
“I highly recommend the services offered here. They provide tailor made tutor programmes to suit the needs of the individual student. Initial communication was great and I received regular feedback. A relatively short course of lessons made a huge difference to my daughter - one to one lessons mean she is back on track."
Happy customer |
Due to our process and approach, we have maintained a 95% satisfaction rate with our families.
Call 01908 984924 to schedule your Free Consultation
Our approach is founded on our assessment of your child’s needs, strengths, learning style and personality. We gather this information by offering free consultations to every potential family. At no cost to you, we can determine the best options for your child’s tuition and pair them with a tutor who matches their personality and learning style.